Our beer is made by beer enthusiast for beer fans
Our beer is special and we will reveal why. It has only the best possible ingredients, the taste that has been developed over a century and the smell that will attract all people from all over the globe. Combine all of these advantages together and you will get the most stunning, the most delicious and the most appealing beer in the world.
Over the years we tried a lot of things, we modified the flavor and so much more. But, the high-quality ingredients always stayed the same. We promise never to change them nor to mess with the taste which is iconic by now. After all, we have people who love our beer and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.
We still use traditional beer brewing technique like our ancestors
All the process that makes our beer so special are traditional, developed by masters of beer in the 18th and 19th century. The process stayed the same all this time and we will keep it as long as we exist. The techniques will stay concealed and we will never reveal them to other parties. In return, the beer we make will stay known, popular and one of a kind.
Mix the great ingredients with old techniques and you get Atlas beer that is stunning in any way possible. We have been making this type of beer since 1896 and used methods and techniques developed a century earlier. Even today in the modern world, where everything is mechanical and artificial, we still make natural beer in the traditional way.
Traditional taste known to millions

Our beer has been popular across the world and due to one simple reason. It is delicious. Making beer of this quality and with this well-known taste is possible only due to tradition we implement. Our brewery is still the same as a century ago and we don’t have any plans to change it, ever.

Smell the aroma, try the taste once and you will get the favorite beer for the rest of your life, we promise.
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Limited Edition Sale of Grape & IceDragon Flavors Vape Juice
While the company ELiquid Depot got enough attention last month for the launch of 2 new flavors Hipster (Creamy dark roast cafe latte) & Pebbls (Sugar frosted cereal flakes with fruity crunch berries), the excitement is going to live well for this month as well. As if new flavor experience with vaping didn’t draw enough attention to their website, they’ve got an update today that will certainly make the customers of ELiquid Depot Vape Juice happy. We are happy to be among the first vaping news sources to report that ELiquid Depot has a couple new products that are officially for sale as of today.
ELiquid Depot brand, which are on sale is not new product but, has launched a limited edition of two flavor cartridges: Grape and IceDragon (Fruity blueberry & dragon fruit base with a fresh minty chill).
The sale price and a sneak peak of the new packaging and bottle photos can be seen at the official website eliquid-depot.com. As far as the industry is concerned, this is nothing earth shattering, Grape is offered by other e-cigarette brands, but IceDragon is certainly an appealing, sexy update that is described by ELiquid Depot as “bursting with refreshing mint” and offers “soothing herbal properties of blueberry.” The website description says, “Fruity blueberry & dragon fruit base with a fresh minty chill”.
One of the best parts of Vape juice offered by ELiquid Depot is that they do not confuse the consumer with too many options in nicotine level or bottle size. They are mostly standard with 120ml and most of the e-juice are offered in 2 line of strengths: 3mg/ml and 6 mg/ml.
Both of these vape juice are currently listed for sale in the “Limited Edition” section of their website, although at the time of writing this story, there is a banner announcing their existence on the home page. The sale price is 40% off from the regular selling price and will last only for limited stocks.
We’ll be sure to get our hands on both flavors and offer full reviews of each in my next post. As stated, other vape juice brands do offer Grape flavors, but this IceDragon flavor certainly has us curious. Will this taste like a mojito? (ELiquid Depot is a Melbourne-based brand, you know.) Or will it have that flavor that Nestea Cool offers, that was so popular in the 90′s? Our guess is that it’s a good mix of both tastes and be a smash hit for ELiquid Depot.
What’s going to happen next in the vaping industry? Only time will tell, but we’re open for any predictions that you may have.
If you happen to pick one from the Limited-edition sale or the newly launched flavor Hipster (Creamy dark roast cafe latte) & Pebbls (Sugar frosted cereal flakes with fruity crunch berries), please leave your review of the new e-juice in the comments section. We expect this to fill up with reviews over the next few weeks as this is a HOT new product from an industry leader. You can click here to visit ELiquid Depot Official Website for more information